It seems to me that the whole National Popular Vote campaign is a means to provide chaos out of another aspect of our Constitution. If you look at the campaign, the majority of the people who are in favor of such legislation are either Democrat, Unions, or RINO's (Republican in Name Only). I understand that this has been going on for years. But it didn't really start making the impact it has today until after the 2000 elections when again, Al Gore the Democrat lost the electoral vote to George W. Bush. I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, we wouldn't even be having this debate. So the question has to be asked. Why now? The Conspiracy Theory side of me is saying that this is just another tactic Democrats are using in order to distort another election because they know that there are more Republican electors from last election, voted by the people. The representation of the people is there. With the popular vote, corruption can ensue, allowing unauthorized people to vote and a Pandora's box of problems would be opened. The chances of a Democrat candidate winning are more favorable.
America is a Constitutional Republic. Meaning, we are a government of laws. The fact that other countries have used the popular vote in their governmental systems, most notably Europe, with horrendous consequences should be as a warning to all that a Popular vote system is not one to follow. America is an exceptional country. It is not Europe. If we dare fall in the lines of a European state as a means to vote and govern, then this country will not be living up to what our Founding Fathers envisioned. Popular vote is mob rule. Electoral college is a representative democracy. Let's keep our Republic. Let's keep our Electoral College.