Small Business

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Moving Forward

     Man, this year went by fast!  That's a good thing because 2011 didn't offer much of anything.  I mean, 2011 was just there.  Nothing exciting.  Nothing new.  Nothing to look forward to.  It was just there.  The reason it was like that was because of me. I got comfortable in where I was at in my life.  Nothing is going wrong, so why fix it?  I was content.  Nothing wrong with contentment,  but when your thighs are the size of the Amazon jungle and you can't pick up anything heavy because you haven't used your  muscles in years, then its about time to change some things.  Or when you constantly complain about how boring work is and how you want to do something meaningful or be more productive, yet, fail to do anything about it, then yeah, its time for a change.
     2012 has already given me a lot to look forward to, and I intend to take full advantage of it.  I'm planning and setting goals for the coming year.  I'm not going to wait for something or someone to hand me anything!  I'm gonna go out there and create it for myself!  So enough talk!  Its time for action!  If you want to get in shape, let me know.  If you need/want a new job, find out what it is your good at and go out there and either create your own, or find a job that fits.  Do not settle anymore.  Forget what people say about the economy.  Forget the negativity, and forge on!  It's time to make a change.  Who's with me?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Promise of Christmas

As Christians, this is the time to reflect on the gift that has been given to us.  A gift that can never be broken or taken away.  A gift that is sealed forever. You too can receive this gift.

Some Good News 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Leader is a Servant

     During the last Presidential debate, the question was asked on whether "Character" was important in a President.  For the life of me, I couldn't understand why that question was even asked, until I started to see the responses from not only the candidates, but people on the social networks who actually watched it.  I believe the question was not addressed correctly.  The word "Character" has for the most part been used synonymously in the positive sense. And so it's only fitting to suggest that when your talking about the topic, you would mean "good". After all, let's face it, there are tons of people out there with character.  Lady Gaga has character.  Barack Obama has character. Tim Tebow for crying out loud  has character! Everyone has character!   I don't believe that was the point.  The question should have been stated, "Is 'good' Character important in a President?"  If you ask the question in this phrase, then it brings up a different meaning.
     I happen to believe that good Character IS essential in a President for several reasons.  The first and foremost is that of TRUST.  Trust is the number one characteristic that everyone in the world is looking for.  Trust gives opportunities.  Trust gives people Hope.  Trust solidifies relationships.  Trust brings about Peace.  Finally, Trust brings about ACCOUNTABILITY.  Accountability holds you responsible for the duties intrusted in you.  When things go well, or when things go bad. It doesn't matter.  You accept the responsibilities of accountability regardless, which in turn brings about FAIRNESS.  Being fair does not choose sides on the bases of who does the most for you.  You can be fair to all, regardless if  you like someone or not.  Fairness looks at all sides without presuppositions and determines the best solution.  And if your being fair to all, your also being CARING to all.  A President will care for all Americans.  A President is not self seeking, but rather seeking the best interest of those he is accountable for.  A President is not weak willed.  A President is not gullible. Caring sometimes means saying "NO".  It does not mean giving to everybody what they want.  It means not over stepping your bounds. It means owning your CITIZENSHIP.  Citizenship is being a good steward within your Title as President.  Holding that position to the highest value. Citizenship means being a good steward not only in your public life, but also in private.  In your community.  In your relationships. In your duty as an American citizen, and your duty as leader of the free world!
     So when I see people say that ability is most important in a President, rather than "good" character, I have to disagree with them.  Some of the most corrupted "leaders"  in History had amazing abilities.   Most of them saw themselves egotistically superior to others, which brought upon all kinds of destruction.  But history also shows that men of good character were strong leaders who knew their responsibilities were to be taken seriously and were not to be used for self gain.  So for me, I will choose good character above ability.  Good character brings about good leadership. As Jesus said in the parable of the Faithful Servant in Luke 12:48,  "To whom much has been given, much will be required." Or if Uncle Ben (of "Spiderman" fame) is more your style, "With great power, comes great responsibilities."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Being Content

     There was a time in America when people didn't have television or radio.  There was a time when children played outside riding their bicycles or played with their radio flyers, climbed tree's or played hide& go seek, jump rope or hopscotch. There was a time when kids went to camp, like I did, to learn about nature and learn to ride a horse, or learn how to row a canoe, or just being outside and enjoying being a kid!  There was a time when having a dishwasher or washing machine was a luxury.  Minus the dryer. When people didn't have all the "necessary luxuries" of today.  Yet, looking back, in my opinion, were the most content with what they had?  Why is that?
    Growing up, we used to wash our clothes in a tub and use a scrub board to clean the dirt off.  That until we got a washing machine with a crank that had the two rollers where you would you put your clothes in between and it flattened out your clothes to take the excess water out, and then you hung them out to dry in a clothes line.  None of this fancy stuff we have today where you just put your clothes in a tub, push a button and the work is done for you. I remember having to hang my clothes out to dry in the sun on a clothes line.  Or how about the iron?  There was no plug in iron's back in that time.We had to put a cast iron on the stove, wait for it to heat and then iron our clothes.  none of this plug in the iron, push a button and you have automatic heat.  we actually had to do the work!  I remember  growing my own vegetables, and being responsible for maintenance.  I remember  having  a lemonade stand and learning about the meaning of work, finance and Entrepreneurship. I even remember learning how to cut people's grass.  Now I'm not knocking innovation,  but there is something to be said about the work that is done out of sweat and time that makes it meaningful.  A sense of accomplishment for your thought & effort.
     We live in a microwave world where everything is 'instant'.  From washing clothes, dishes, or even warming our food.  It's all 'instant'. There is no thought or effort into it.  Just push the button and go! What happens when you take a society and you implement that 'instant' mentality? You have a society that is lazy,  inconsiderate and unappreciative, because after all, you don't have time for anything complicated.  If something doesn't work,  you can go buy another.  If a marriage doesn't work out, you can go out and find someone else.  When you can have anything at the push of a button, what is that teaching a society?  The simpler the innovation, the less content  we seem to become.
     In introspect, I can see how my grown up years have made me appreciate the things I have today. From growing my own vegetables, to washing my clothes in a tub, to just being a kid and playing hide & go seek. It took time and effort to see it produce. That is all we had. When we as a society do not take the time to be content with what we have,  those things lose their value, and cheapen the things we say we want/need or perhaps even love. We fail  to realize the blessings we do have.
     I can't do much with my 13 year old computer.  But when I save my money and buy a new one, I know I will appreciate the sacrifice I put in, in saving for one, and in turn, will take care of it so it will last me just as long.   When we let innovation control our lives instead of  enriching it, we lose our contentment.  

I Timothy 6:6
Phillipians 4:12
Hebrews 13:5

Good News

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bring It!

  On December 1st, I started my new exercise routine. After having been fit and active for a long time, I left myself get overweight and inactive.  Year after year, I would go through the rut of telling myself that this was the year.  Something has to change.  But, just like the year before, I do nothing about it.  It's just a wish, but without putting the effort.
     This month I joined  a Beachbody Challenge.  I hope you will join me in being successful.  If you want to join me in the challenge, just send me a note, I'll show you how. 
     This year will be different.  This year I will make a change.  This IS the year.  It's time to BRING IT!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Night of the World

     It's 3:16am and I'm looking out the window, waiting to see if  my cat is wanting to comeback  in.  It's a kitten I took in off the streets a couple of months ago when one day from work she was crying on my front porch.   Little did I know that she would be wandering out of site, in the coldest night of the year, to do who knows what, without a care in the world about what I might be going through waiting for her return.  I started to get sad, because just like my cat, my dog Sampson would do the same when he was young when I lived in an apartment.  He would get loose and go carousing all over the neighborhood in the middle of the night.  And there I'd be , worrying all night until he returned.  For the life of me I can't understand why they would run off and leave a perfectly warm house with a bed, food, water, and plenty of love, to go chase after shadows in the night.   But just as I was thinking that, another thought came very clear.  "Isn't this what God say's about us?"   Chasing a life of empty activities and trying to find happiness from within them, when He has spiritually already prepared a house with all the necessities of life and infinite love?
    God gives up the one precious person in His life so that we can live full filled lives, and all we have to do is accept that gift of love.  Think about that for a moment.  God, being the God He is, willingly gives up His own Son, as a ransom, to pay for the penalty of sin for all of mankind,  in order that we may live full filled and worthwhile lives.  Yet, we as mankind, carouse out into the "night of the world", chasing about shadows with  no meaning, not giving a thought that someone that loves us is waiting for us to come back home.
     Just as daylight broke, I step outside to see if I spot her, and there she is with a group of other cats, huddled under my neighbor's truck.   She has two options.  She can either stay with her new found friends in the cold, or she can come home where there's a warm bed waiting for her. Which does she choose?  Which do You choose?  A life with no meaning?  Or God who gives meaning to all?  The cat is not crazy.  It knows where there is love.  It knows that as soon it comes inside the house, it will be cuddled and loved, fed and given water and a warm bed to lie down.  God is waiting for your answer.  He's standing at the door, waiting for you to come  home.  You have two options.  which one will it be?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Praise and Thanksgiving

   As the Thanksgiving holiday rolls around this year, let us give thanks to the Lord for providing us with a Country so  blessed with Individual liberties and justice, for all. 


Sunday, November 13, 2011

We The People

     This Presidential election is the single most important event  in my lifetime!  As we have seen through out the year's how America has been cheapened and abused by unqualified men who dare to take the reign's of President of the United States, the time is now to stand up and say enough is enough!  In this election, "We the people" will determine the future of our beloved Country and the route we want her to take. Will we choose a candidate with eloquent speech and charisma, but no substance and no understanding of what  America is all about?  Or will we find a good solid candidate that instills the virtue of what America was founded on, which is love of God and Country?  Will we let the slanted media dictate and black out the choices in the field as it did in the last election?  Will you let this un American bias continue?  Will Americans finally take the reign's of their civic and moral duty to find out for themselves who is the better person to lead this nation?  Will we let society choose our candidate? Or will we really sit down and read and listen to the candidates and where they want to take America? 
     We do not need a middle of the road candidate who sits on the fence of appeasement. 
We need a good solid person who understands what this country is about and how to take care of it.   We don't need a candidate who has scandal and corruption all around them.  We need a  person of solid integrity and discipline to make the hard decisions. Someone who understands what is going on in the world.  A candidate who understands the exceptionalism of America and is not ashamed of it! 
     Lady Liberty still stands with torch in hand, dim as it may be, guiding the way.  Will she continue to be a beacon of light for the whole world?  Or will she become corroded and washed away into the sea of oblivion?  The answer's start with you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

More than a Job

     "For the times, they are a changing."  Bob Dylan sang those words back in the 1960's, when at a time, the country & workforce in America was changing.  The situation of the country was harsh. and for some women, they were entering the workforce for the very first time.  Men and women  were now working side by side in a corporation or factory.  The 9 to 5 work hours was the norm, as mom would rush home to cook and clean and take care of the kids. 
     As the 70's came along, so did a host of national problems.  With the U.S. hostages in Iran, to enemies in the middle east, to the oil embargo, & Inflation, families found it hard to stay afloat, so they worked longer hours.
The mid 80s and 90's brought some sense of stability to the nation, and a prosperity zeitgeist was upon us.  People were able to enjoy the fruits of their labors as consumption, traveling, and happiness rose in America. 
Then 9-11 happened.
     Not since The Great Depression has there been a more devastating affect on a nation, and on its economic stability. Corporations are being exposed with massive corruption and greed, and politicians are implementing ridiculous regulations, each time, the economic free market is hit, and a  downward spiral continues. Change is happening.  Corporations are seeing a massive change in workforce personnel as the Baby Boomers are retiring and the Generation X'ers and Millenialist are in charge now.  And with that change, corporations are rapidly moving away from the age of the 9 to 5 job. 
     The few people who have found success in the midst of a chaotic and frightening work force have since ditched that 9 to 5 mentality of going to an established place of business and clocking in and out.  The Technology age has arrived and the X'ers and Millenials are taking full advantage of it!  The factory jobs are gone.  Corporate layoffs are on the rise.  But that's not stopping these techies from finding work, and most importantly, finding work they love!  Today's conference meeting's are being held outside in a ski resort, or on a cruise ship.  The day's of cubicles and office space are not what interest the new working force.  Its all about,  "vocation".  "Your Calling". Creating wealth by doing the things you were meant to do brings about a sense of happiness in work situations.  the line between work and play doesnt matter when your doing what you LOVE to do!  Which makes it fun!  Bloggers, E-commerce Businesses, Internet Marketing are just some examples of todays workforce.  and these "jobs" can be done anywhere!   People are taking charge of their lives and their happiness.  sure people continue to work in a traditional place with walls and clocks.  Nothing wrong with that.  But more and more people are finding ways to live more fullfilling lives by either creating their own jobs or finding work they love.  But just like Boby Dylan sang those words at a time when things seemed dire,  "For the times, they are a changing",   whether you want them to or not, change must happen. We either change with it, or we wait for a handout. We either stay in a place we hate to work at, or we either create or find work that's more than just a job! 

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Socialist Jesus?

     More and more each day  I keep hearing from people of how Jesus was all about helping the poor and hating the rich.  How Jesus came to save the poor from the rich.  Some even claim that Jesus was a socialist and therefore, what's needed in today's society is a socialistic state.  They sight Bible passages that seem to suggest that,  but is this accurate? 
     Lets take a look at Abraham.  He was wealthy before God called him, and after surviving a famine in Egypt, he was even more wealthy with cattle, silver & gold.  God did not care about his  net worth.  He didn't instruct Abraham to get rid of  1/2 or everything he had.  
     Then we have Job.  Job was a hard working man, and that hard work paid off, as we see in verses 9-11 in the Book of Job, Satan is holding a conversation with God about him.  And in verse 10, Satan tells God,  "You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land."  " But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face." This to me sounds like Job was pretty well off.  Yet God never mentioned Job's wealth. Satan did.  God was not the one who wanted to test Job.  Satan did.  Yet, as we know, harrassed by Satan, Job did curse God and lost everything he had.  Only to find his way back to God and being blessed all over again.
     Next we'll move into the New Testament and lastly we find Joseph of Arimethea.  When they crucified Jesus at the cross, Joseph asked for Jesus' body to bury him in a tomb he had prepared.  Looking at the historical settings, its easy to see that Joseph was well off. 
     When Jesus told the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-22) to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor in order to have eternal life,  Jesus was aware that the young ruler couldnt let go of his money.  He knew that something more important than God was occupying this young man's heart. 
     The point to all these stories is  that God did not care whether Abraham, Job, or anyone else was poor or rich.  So to say that Jesus, who being  God in the flesh was a Socialist is to contradict his teachings. Jesus didn't/doesn't care whether you are/were rich or poor.  Jesus is not interested in your possessions, status in society, politcal agenda's, or wealth.  He's interested in your heart.
Was Jesus a Socialist?  Not even a smidget!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Carter #2 and The Holy Jihad

It's happening all over again.  Just like Jimmy Carter, who  helped usher in Terrorism to the United States & The World with his support of the Islamic radicals in Iran in 1979, so is President Barack Hussein Obama continuing to,  "naively" support  the same known organizations. The differences in leadership is none too contrasting.  The same failed Foreign Policy's have brought about a full fledge support  & Armament of such radical terrrorist groups as Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Quaida.  Foreign Policy experts are scratching their heads on this one.  They can see that taking Mubarak of Egypt and Quadaffi of Libya  out of their respective controlled dictatorships would lead to an unstable, and in my opinion,  radicalized middle east. So the million dollar question on everyone's mind is why?  Why would an Anti War President support the (re)surgence of what experts consider radical extremists in the middle east?   There are only two possible scenarios that I can think of.    I hope for Israel's sake I am wrong on both of them!