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Saturday, February 4, 2012

"When a Nation Forgets God" by Erwin W. Lutzer (an excerpt)


  It has amazed me to see how much the Church of Jesus Christ has been silent on culture and political issues in our society lately.  I understand that the ultimate goal of the church is to evangelize the gospel to all.  Part of that responsibility  lies in being a a careful watchman in all aspects of our lives.  Including politics.  So when the church is silent when government passes anti religious laws, then something is terribly wrong.  Is Church becoming a by-word?   Below is an excerpt from Erwin W. Lutzer's highly recommended book.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Electoral or Popular Vote Pt. 2

     It seems to me that the whole National Popular Vote campaign is  a  means to provide chaos out of another aspect of our Constitution.  If you look at the campaign, the majority of the people who are in favor of such  legislation are either Democrat, Unions, or RINO's (Republican in Name Only).   I understand that this has been going on for years.  But it didn't really start making the impact it has today until after the 2000 elections when again, Al Gore the Democrat lost the electoral vote to George W. Bush.  I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, we wouldn't even be having this debate.  So the question has to be asked.  Why now?  The Conspiracy Theory side of me is saying that this is just another tactic Democrats are using in order to distort another election because they know that there are more Republican electors from last election, voted by the people. The representation of the people is there.  With the popular vote, corruption can ensue, allowing unauthorized people to vote and a Pandora's box of problems would be opened. The chances of  a Democrat candidate winning are more favorable. 
     America is a Constitutional Republic. Meaning, we are a government of laws.  The fact  that other countries have used the popular vote in their governmental systems, most notably Europe, with horrendous consequences should be as a warning to all that a  Popular vote system is not one to follow.  America is an exceptional country. It is not Europe.   If we dare fall in the lines of  a European state as a means to vote and govern, then this country will not be living up to what our Founding Fathers envisioned.  Popular vote is mob rule.  Electoral college is a representative democracy.  Let's keep our Republic.  Let's keep our Electoral College.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Democracy or a Republic. You decide.


     There's a movement going on in this country, yet again, that is aimed at enticing  Americans to favor a  dangerous idea about our voting procedure.  An idea disguised as something noble and fair, based however, on inaccuracies and misunderstandings.  An idea so radical that if passed, as some states already have introduced legislation, could spell the end of America as we know it!  This  idea is that of getting rid of the electoral college and implementing a popular vote in a general election, such as voting for President of the United States.
       "James Madison, the very Father of the Constitution,  In Federalist 10,  warned every American that among democracy’s many dangers was this chief one: “A common passion or interest will, in almost every case . . . [combine to destroy] . . . personal security or the rights of property . . . [and insist on] . . . reducing mankind to a perfect equality . . . in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.”  And as you can see, this is already happening in our society.  The fact that today's politicians are trying to cater  to certain groups of people, mostly the poor and minority, is evidence enough of the dangers of a popular vote.   The electoral college was implemented to separate powers from combining  so as not to have a ruling class.  Your vote goes from your  state,  to the nation.  It has to pass through hurdles in order to be counted in case of any questionable practices.  With a popular vote, you open yourself up to all kinds of evils, which if anything were to happen, could damage the entire process and would most likely result in the wrong person unfairly being elected.  In a popular vote, if any fraud were to occur, the whole system could crumble under an oligarchy (a few), a monarchy (one) or a democracy ( many).  Not to say that  it cannot happen under an electoral vote, but the chances are much higher in a democracy based vote.  
     The fact that a Republican Senator and ex Presidential Candidate would try to get socialism implemented in the United States should cause everyone to stand up and take notice to what's going on in this country!  You would expect this from Democrats, because their halls are filled with Marxists, socialists, Maoist, and Communists, but you would think that Republicans knew better.  America's foundations are being ripped apart by people who hate what she stands for and it's evident by this movement, whether its by ignorance or on purpose.  Preserve America's heritage.  Preserve the Electoral College. 

The Electoral College:  A Check on Socialism  Pt.1
The Electoral College:  Protecting Minority Rights Pt.2
The Federalist Papers - Library of Congress 
Constitution of the United States   12th Amendment