I thought we had progressed in our race relations over the years. Yet, it took one event to divide people once more and brings us back to where we once were. Maybe not as severe as before, but definitely a problem that I have yet to hear the Church speak about. I'm talking about the Trayvonn Martin story. One can see that it has caused people to talk. I don't understand however why this story is such headline news, when in fact there are so many stories like this that occur everyday. But I remember a time when something went wrong in society, people turned to the Church for answers or to get help in understanding an issue. With all the racial tension going on now, I've yet to hear anything from the Church. Where is it? Has it been muzzled by intimidation? Has the Church become so irrelevant because of its acceptance of the World's philosophies that it cannot determine what is good or bad anymore? Has race issues divided the Church as well? I hope that is not the case. For Christianity has no color. It has no race.
It's time for the Church of Jesus Christ to wake up and get involved in helping to heal the Nation of its ills, rather than cower in the pews and pulpits with feel good sermons while the nation spins in chaos!