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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Democrats, Republicans and Blacks

Thomas Sowell
September 28, 2000

No group votes more solidly for the Democrats than blacks – and no group suffers more as a result than blacks. Political spin makes Democrats the best friends of blacks, the party of civil rights laws, the party of affirmative action and the party of social programs to help the poor in general and blacks in particular. But spin and facts are very different things. The fact is that a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Despite all the media hype about the confederate flag flying over the state capitol in South Carolina, no Republican put that flag there.

The Democrats' Senator Fritz Hollings, who was governor of
South Carolina in the 1960s, put that confederate flag there at a time when it was used all across the South as a symbol of resistance to the civil rights movement. With all the criticism of Texas Governor George W. Bush for not telling the state of South Carolina what to do, there was scarcely a word anywhere about Democrat Fritz Hollings. That's the media for you.

Democrats can claim credit – if that's the word – for all the government social programs that have played such a role in the disintegration of families. These programs have done little to reduce poverty. Blacks did more to reduce their own poverty than the government ever has.

Between 1940 and 1960, the poverty rate among black families fell from 87 percent to 47 percent. Yet there was no major federal civil rights legislation or welfare state programs created during that period. The continuing rise of blacks out of poverty during the 1960s, when their poverty rate fell an additional 17 points, cannot be arbitrarily attributed to the Great Society programs, since this trend was already decades old before these programs were created. As for the first decade of affirmative action – the 1970s – the poverty rate among blacks fell by only one percentage point then.

Education had much to do with the rise of blacks. As of 1940, black adults averaged just 5 years of schooling. By 1960 that was 8 years and by 1970 it was 10 years. Obviously, doubling your education within one generation tends to increase your income, regardless of which party is in power or what policies they follow.

In our own high-tech era, education is even more important. Nothing is more of a handicap to blacks today than inadequate education. There are many reasons for these inadequacies. How do the Democrats and Republicans compare, when it comes to the education of black youngsters?

Democrats are too completely dependent on the teachers' unions to be able to break the public school monopoly or to get rid of incompetent teachers or even to insist on the teaching of the basics, instead of the dumbed-own education and amateur social engineering that the education establishment likes.

Republicans have a golden opportunity to offer blacks something that the Democrats cannot possibly offer – the right of parents to choose where their own children go to school. Whatever political support there is for vouchers has come almost exclusively from Republicans. Democrats are totally opposed – and have to be, if they want to continue getting the millions of dollars contributed by the teachers' unions.

Another factor in the decline of American education in general and education in low-income minority communities in particular, is the difficulty of either punishing or expelling disruptive and violent students who destroy the education of the other students. Liberal judges have made it literally a federal case when schools crack down on disruptive and violent students. Who appoints liberal judges? Usually Democrats, though Republicans have slipped up and appointed a few as well.

One of the other huge handicaps that black students face is the attitude that trying to learn is "acting white." Self-destructive as this notion may be, it is a logical corollary of the social vision that says whitey is out to get you and it doesn't matter how much you know or how hard you try. Which party panders to this victimhood vision? Which party cuddles up with race hustlers like Al Sharpton, who promote this paranoid tribalism? The Democrats in general and Al Gore and Hillary Clinton in particular.

These are the facts. But how much weight do facts carry on Election Day. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Faith, My Vote

I have struggled for months on deciding whom to vote for. I debated my conscience on the issues. I did the pros and cons. Regardless of who wins this election, God is ultimately in control! Yet as a Christian, I am commanded to elect leaders with good moral standards to govern. For this is how we can impact our society. I get upset at so called Christians who say they are not going to vote this year. That Christians should have nothing to do with governmental issues. However this is not scriptural! This is a lie perpetuated on Christians who segregate themselves from the outside world, when in fact, its the outside world we are to be impacting! The script has been turned around in arrogance to suppress the Church and it seems that a lot of them are falling for this. If you are a Christian, you are to elect leaders of sound moral judgement. (2 Peter1:5-10)

So would you elect someone who you knew nothing about? Or who gave a blank check to anybody for any reason? Would you want a leader who didn't know how to balance a budget? Would you still vote for someone who called themself's a Christian, yet in all his dealings, did the complete opposite? Would you vote for someone who cannot decide whether he is for one thing, then change his mind like the wind the next? I cannot support Infanticide! and I cannot support Injustice.
At this point, it is clear. I cannot support either on the moral issues, so the answer has to come fiscally, and this too is very clear. The only candidate who has ever held a job, built a business, has a budget and created jobs is Gov. Mitt Romney. Therefore, as a Christian, I am voting for him as the next president of the United States!
May God have mercy on us all.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Strong Foundation


  Have you ever worked with  a boss who deliberately lied to you on a constant bases, was never around when needed, and always hired the worst person for a job?  Those people are usually shunned by others because of their incompetence, and you know in the corporate world, nobody wants to associate with  someone with a bad reputation. A bad leader makes for a bad team.  If the leader is not leading properly, then what makes the team do so as well?  Or are you one of those people who stick up for that boss because he lets you get away with things, or gives you gifts?  Could you respect a boss who did things you knew he was not suppose to be doing?  

     We've all worked in a place where playing favorites is the norm in some businesses.  If your not the favorite, it seems you have to ask permission for everything, and well, that just makes people more resentful of the others who can because you do all the work, but they get all the attention and raise.
      The same could be said in the home.  Would you spoil one child and ignore the other?  Do you let one get away with things, and say no to the other?  Is that being a good parent?  If we don't do these things with our family, and we don't do these things in our business, why do we allow these things with our government leaders?
     The parents are the head of the home.  They set rules and chores for kids to obey. Kids will have a curfew, they will take out the trash, clean their room, and be respectful to parents. They have established a foundation.  The same is set in a business.  Owner sets the rules on how he/she wants to run their  business.  You agree to work for them on the basis of how you like the business.  They set the foundation.  The laws of the land are not any difference.  We have a set of laws set in place for the nation that tells each and every one of us how we must govern. The leader the people elect to represent that foundation to the world, has to themselves be governed by those laws, because if not, the nation can spin in a chaotic mess.  If the leader is being disobedient, then what makes the nation become obedient?  If the leader is not being a good example to others, then he is influencing for the bad.  A leader who plays favorites only brings about resentment, envy, strife and chaos to a family, a business, or a nation.  A leader can always strive for progress.  But without leadership strongly set on  foundational rules, are blown like the wind, and destined to fall.  (I Corinthians 3:10)  ( Matthew 7:24 -27)