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Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Weight of Your Words


   When pop star Lady Gaga wants The President of the United States to legislate free speech and call it an Anti Bullying law, isn't that in itself a form of bullying?  When Christians stand up for their beliefs against gay marriage, and those who favor such practice start ridiculing them and speaking vile insults at them at college campuses,  isn't that bullying?  Or how about if the Federal Government itself starts punishing taxpayers with unnecessary IRS penalties just for the simple fact of being in favor of a small and unobtrusive government .  I'm sure that's not bullying.  Is it? 
    Words hurt.  I know from experience.  But I've learned that there will always be mean people who say hurtful things, and I either adjust to that, or I become a victim of it.  Unfortunately, everybody is in such a politically correct mentality that saying anything bad is looked upon as if you committed the most serious of sins.  However, The Bible does have a lot to say about what comes out of our mouths. ( James, Chapter 3)  (Proverbs 10:19) (Proverbs 26:28) (Psalms 34:13) (Proverbs 10:19) (Psalms 119:103 -160). Jesus, Even at times had to rebuke people with harsh words.  But He did it without sinning. 
    So instead of trying to legislate words, couldn't we as individuals just  practice a little bit of self control with our tongue?  I will try to do my part.  Will you?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Peanuts Mother's Day

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Objective vs. Subjective Truth

      When President Obama held a conference to welcome Mexican President Calderon to the United States, he made this statement, When President Obama said those words, the world stood notice that the United States no longer is a nation until itself. It is border less. A paradigm shift became to take place in the way people perceived independent nations. When President Obama also said this, , he was playing to a dichotomy of beliefs that threatens to undermine the essence of what the United States of America stands for.
     Yes, President Obama is correct, we are not a Christian Nation, per Se`. Not on paper.  But our Founding Fathers and the signers of the Declaration of Independent gravely understood the importance of the Christian faith being the most important element in the survival of the newly founded nation.   In every facet of American structure, we see the Judeo/Christian faith as its foundation.  Whether it is in our government structure,  financial system, our school system, or most especially in our hospitals.  The historical evidence is there that America has always been  heavily influenced by the Christian faith.  So one can see how so many people became irate when President Obama said those words in front of the whole world.   The influence that was there from the beginning was wiped away in a single sentence. 
     What President Obama did was implement his structure of beliefs on the entire nation that has caused a riff in our society today.  What he did was go from the objective to the subjective.  Let me explain.
     Objectivity  as the World English Dictionary puts it:
                          1. existing independently of perception or an individual's conceptions
                          2. undistorted by emotion or personal bias
                          3. of or relating to actual and external phenomena as opposed to thoughts, feelings, etc
     In other words, what Constitutional Professor/ President Obama did was to take all the "historical evidence" of our Christian heritage as a nation,  "throw it in the garbage" metaphorically speaking, and implemented his own thoughts and beliefs as to how America should be perceived.  Not with historical facts, but rather with personal presuppositions and biases. When he told the world in that news conference that we are no longer a nation with borders, he basically said that America is no longer to be a sovereign nation. It's not going to work independently on its own.  America will exist to be a country, instead will be governed by world leaders perhaps?. This is called, 
      Subjectivity  Again from the World English Dictionary:

                      1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather  than to the object of thought                                                      

                       2.  pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; 

                       3.   placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions.
So in other words, what President Obama initiated was a moral relativism.  What's true  for you may not be true for somebody else.  This thought action is not synonymous with the foundation of this country.  Subjectivity deals with self importance rather than the rule of law.  The objective.  John Adams, one of America's founding fathers, and second President of the United States is quoted as saying that "We are a nation of laws, not of men".  Man's intentions cannot be clear at times, and therefore, laws are there to protect the people.  This is why America is a Democratic Republic,  to separate the powers of branches so no one has absolute power.  We are bound by a standard of laws set forth in our founding documents as a means to operate in the United States.  No matter what culture you come from, what race, religion, or status you have, if you want to come to America, you have to conform to these laws.  This is objectivity.  Instead what we have, is a President graying all issues to conform to his beliefs and intentions on how America should be.  This thought process has lead to the initiation  of many tyrannical leaders in the past.  If America is to continue to be the great nation it has been, then it needs to rid itself of this kind of thinking.  "America is a nation of laws, not of men."

          *** Note: Computer issues.  Please excuse blog  structure.