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Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Vetting of the Speedway Bomber


      There's a  story exploding on the blogoshpere  concerning  a convicted felon who is suspected in terrorizing, threatening, and making life very difficult for political bloggers. Mostly, but not exclusively to Conservative bloggers.  The man's name  is  Brett Kimberlin  (#BrettKimberlin hashtag on @Twitter) and he is a convicted felon, terrorist, bomber.  Two bloggers, who go by the  name's  of @Patterico and @AaronWorthing have told their story about what happened to them when they wrote an article on their blogs about him.  This is an amazing story that sounds straight out of the pages of a John Grisham novel!  The two bloggers are  Prosecutors from different states and have ties to the late Andrew Brietbart, who had warned about Brett Kimberlin before his death. Facts have been uncovered that Brett Kimberlin is being funded by leftist activists and some big name celebrities.   I am writing this post to let everyone know what is going on and that they may be alert.  I know a lot of political bloggers.  I do not wish them any harm.  click on the links below to read their stories.

Update: Listen to the court hearing :

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Weight of Your Words


   When pop star Lady Gaga wants The President of the United States to legislate free speech and call it an Anti Bullying law, isn't that in itself a form of bullying?  When Christians stand up for their beliefs against gay marriage, and those who favor such practice start ridiculing them and speaking vile insults at them at college campuses,  isn't that bullying?  Or how about if the Federal Government itself starts punishing taxpayers with unnecessary IRS penalties just for the simple fact of being in favor of a small and unobtrusive government .  I'm sure that's not bullying.  Is it? 
    Words hurt.  I know from experience.  But I've learned that there will always be mean people who say hurtful things, and I either adjust to that, or I become a victim of it.  Unfortunately, everybody is in such a politically correct mentality that saying anything bad is looked upon as if you committed the most serious of sins.  However, The Bible does have a lot to say about what comes out of our mouths. ( James, Chapter 3)  (Proverbs 10:19) (Proverbs 26:28) (Psalms 34:13) (Proverbs 10:19) (Psalms 119:103 -160). Jesus, Even at times had to rebuke people with harsh words.  But He did it without sinning. 
    So instead of trying to legislate words, couldn't we as individuals just  practice a little bit of self control with our tongue?  I will try to do my part.  Will you?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Peanuts Mother's Day