The Free Market Enterprise is much like The Gospel. Both will only work with individual responsibility. When you accept the Gospel as your personal faith, you are taking responsibility for your actions. You are taking the initiative to nourish your relationship in order to preserve your faith. The same is with the Free Market Enterprise. Applying individual accountability towards the preservation of the system and not taking advantage of it to pursue your own selfish desires will it work for everyone. Just as if you let the Gospel become corrupted, then it does nothing for the individual, the community, nor the country. It cheapens and nullifies the message into just another failed system. When the Free Market is taken advantage and corrupted by greedy narcissists, it makes the system imbalanced, therefore not providing the structure for people to produce effectively. In essence, its as if you were seeing the affects of a prosperity pimp on television, abusing the Gospel in order to make himself rich! Both lead people away from a good message, and destroys their lives and everyone else's around them. Only when we exercise discipline and personal responsibility to maintain the system in accordance with its structure, will they both flourish.
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