Small Business

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Strong Foundation


  Have you ever worked with  a boss who deliberately lied to you on a constant bases, was never around when needed, and always hired the worst person for a job?  Those people are usually shunned by others because of their incompetence, and you know in the corporate world, nobody wants to associate with  someone with a bad reputation. A bad leader makes for a bad team.  If the leader is not leading properly, then what makes the team do so as well?  Or are you one of those people who stick up for that boss because he lets you get away with things, or gives you gifts?  Could you respect a boss who did things you knew he was not suppose to be doing?  

     We've all worked in a place where playing favorites is the norm in some businesses.  If your not the favorite, it seems you have to ask permission for everything, and well, that just makes people more resentful of the others who can because you do all the work, but they get all the attention and raise.
      The same could be said in the home.  Would you spoil one child and ignore the other?  Do you let one get away with things, and say no to the other?  Is that being a good parent?  If we don't do these things with our family, and we don't do these things in our business, why do we allow these things with our government leaders?
     The parents are the head of the home.  They set rules and chores for kids to obey. Kids will have a curfew, they will take out the trash, clean their room, and be respectful to parents. They have established a foundation.  The same is set in a business.  Owner sets the rules on how he/she wants to run their  business.  You agree to work for them on the basis of how you like the business.  They set the foundation.  The laws of the land are not any difference.  We have a set of laws set in place for the nation that tells each and every one of us how we must govern. The leader the people elect to represent that foundation to the world, has to themselves be governed by those laws, because if not, the nation can spin in a chaotic mess.  If the leader is being disobedient, then what makes the nation become obedient?  If the leader is not being a good example to others, then he is influencing for the bad.  A leader who plays favorites only brings about resentment, envy, strife and chaos to a family, a business, or a nation.  A leader can always strive for progress.  But without leadership strongly set on  foundational rules, are blown like the wind, and destined to fall.  (I Corinthians 3:10)  ( Matthew 7:24 -27)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Federalist Papers

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Feast of Trumpets

The Bible shows that the Rapture will occur during Rosh Hashanah!  At least this is what the speculation is being talked about in the religious circles.  An  in depth study is what's needed on this, but I have come across some videos explaining what it is, and its quite fascinating!  I would love to hear from Jews about the accuracy of the video, and I would love to hear from Christian Scholars who believe this to be true. 

Happy Rosh Hashanah!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My 911


     I was running late for work as usual. Seeing as I worked 15 minutes from the Galleria, I could take my time. It was close to 9am and I was about to turn off Good Morning America when they announced a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Just as I was about to turn the tv off to head for work, I saw the 2nd plane coming in the background of the smoking towers and slam into the 2nd tower. As that happened, a synchronized gasp between myself and the hosts of the show was what I remembered. I stood there in disbelief. "What is going on?" I remembered thinking. I finally composed myself enough to go to work. At that time, I was working in an International Building. People from all walks of life. and that Tuesday, we were scheduled to have a fire drill. well, we didn't have the drill that day. Thank God! With all the commotion of the day, everybody just figured that it was postponed. Come the next morning. Another beautiful day. I went to work but I couldn't concentrate. I hadn't heard from friends in New York and I wanted to hear from everybody I knew. I kept calling friends and getting calls asking if they had heard from so and so. Everyone was accounted for but one. All at once, the fire alarm goes off! All you see is lawyers and secretaries running down the stairs in frantic! I saw one lady who kept on typing in her chair like nothing was happening, and me thinking how crazy the woman was. Once we got down to the outside of the building with everybody else, we're all standing around wondering what was going on. I took it upon myself to ask the building people, and that's when he shouted for all to hear that it was a false alarm! They had gotten the date of the fire drill wrong and forgot to turn it off! Needless to say, everyone was on pins and needles at work. Nobody wanted to be there. But we knew we had to keep things going. At night time, it was like living in a Terminator movie with the black hawk helicopters hovering over the city. Nobody could sleep. we watched the news all night. Oh yeah, That one unaccounted friend who nobody had heard from was one of the many who walked across the Brooklyn Bridge to stay at a coworkers apartment because she couldn't get to her home.  We found out a few days after. And today, Sept. 9th, well, today is her birthday.
     This was my 911. What's your story?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Prosperity Deception


     It saddens me to see so many people being caught up in the false teachings of the Prosperity Gospel. This is the preaching that says that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy, and all you have to do is claim it and believe in order to get it.  This is nowhere  found in the Holy Scriptures, but yet, people are being deceived by this notion at alarming rates. (Galatians 1:6-10)  This new age positivity gospel that says you can twist God's hand and demand He give us the desire's of our heart is a false premise.  This thinking deify's man and reduces God. It cheapens the true Gospel of Christ and what He did on the cross for our sins.  Because if God can be manipulated in to giving us things, then there is no need for a Savior and God is not really who He claims to be. (1 John 4:1-6) Is it any wonder that so many people are being turned off by Church and God, when the message preached night and day is a self worshiped gospel?  The focus should not be on you and what you can get, but rather on what He did and how He can work within you to fulfill His will for your life.  (James 4: 1-3)  God never promises  health, wealth and prosperity to all.  For even Jesus didn't have these things! In other words, it's not about you.  Its about Him.  Your best life now is found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not in  fallen man.  God never promised that the Christian life would be easy, but through Christ, you can have peace in any circumstance, because HE is in control! (Philippians 4:19)

Good News