It saddens me to see so many people being caught up in the false teachings of the Prosperity Gospel. This is the preaching that says that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy, and all you have to do is claim it and believe in order to get it. This is nowhere found in the Holy Scriptures, but yet, people are being deceived by this notion at alarming rates. (Galatians 1:6-10) This new age positivity gospel that says you can twist God's hand and demand He give us the desire's of our heart is a false premise. This thinking deify's man and reduces God. It cheapens the true Gospel of Christ and what He did on the cross for our sins. Because if God can be manipulated in to giving us things, then there is no need for a Savior and God is not really who He claims to be. (1 John 4:1-6) Is it any wonder that so many people are being turned off by Church and God, when the message preached night and day is a self worshiped gospel? The focus should not be on you and what you can get, but rather on what He did and how He can work within you to fulfill His will for your life. (James 4: 1-3) God never promises health, wealth and prosperity to all. For even Jesus didn't have these things! In other words, it's not about you. Its about Him. Your best life now is found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not in fallen man. God never promised that the Christian life would be easy, but through Christ, you can have peace in any circumstance, because HE is in control! (Philippians 4:19)
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