Small Business

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Battle for Texas

     The line has been drawn.  The plan is in action.  They're coming for Texas!  In an effort to curtail the success of a Republican dominated state, Democrats are trying to build a movement that hopes to bring Texas back to a blue state once and for all. The name of the movement is called "Battleground Texas", and they just held a meeting here in Houston yesterday.  Everyone knows that Texas is one of a handful of states producing much of the country's economy by producing jobs and staying in the black with a balanced budget. So why on earth would anyone want to change it into a Democratic state if most Democrat states are in the red, stifling companies  with over regulations and entitlements?  /news/nation/story/2012-09-26/red-blue-states-income-economy/57846600/1  For goodness sake, one only has to look within Texas itself to see the blue controlled city governments and see that logic does not work.  Unless it's for another reason.  I would pay very close attention to this group Texans.  I'm sure you can all see the writing on the wall on this one.

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