Small Business

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Political Vortex

     Politics has taken over every facet of our society.  One side blames the other and the cycle continues.  Often times, people who want to do the right thing, get caught up in the game that is played, after a while, they don't realize that they are being sucked in to this vortex, and eventually lose perspective of the main reason for getting involved.  You have two sides blaming the other for the ills of the country, when the real culprit is sitting back watching the two bicker like little children.  I've said it once and I'll keep saying it again.  History is repeating itself.  I just saw a documentary on the Dust Bowl.  Some of you don't even know what that was, and most of us weren't even alive at the time.
     I believe America is going through another Dust Bowl.  No, I don't mean literally.  The same scenarios are being presented in which a group of people are in need of survival (unemployed), they feel like there is no hope(jobs).  The Federal Government blames the people for creating their own doom (Back then, the government blamed the farmers' style of cropping.  today its because some make too much money), gives the people an ultimatum(Federal Compliance), and then takes control of their lives (Car, Health, Education, Insurance, Bank, Financial Aid,Environmental, Agriculture, Energy, Currency,  Homestead Industries).  Back then, it was FDR who told the people that if they gave up farming, Government would help them. The people knew that Government was not the solution, but they had nowhere else to go.  The Feds came in, made green lands out of the farmers' lands and proclaimed that the problem was solved.  After nearly a decade, lo and behold, its starts raining on the day FDR visits the drought areas.  He takes the credit for saving families and also takes credit for it raining!  Never solving the initial problem, just providing a band aid  that after time, became a serious addiction amongst people.
     Fast forward to 2013 and are we not seeing the same thing? We have relied on the government to solve every problem that comes along, that we have forgotten how to think for ourselves.  Since when is it Governments responsibility to do this?  I see this country is not getting better, its getting worse.  Those who say otherwise are fooling themselves and you.  Because for the first time, we have more people relying on Government to solve their problems.  Meanwhile,  as the two party system continue in their bickering, the "system" is becoming a giant of a monster!

"The Dust Bowl" by Ken Burns 
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5

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