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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Unknown American History

About 50 men, most of them seated, are in a large meeting room. Most are focused on the five men standing in the center of the room. The tallest of the five is laying a document on a table.

  The pages come alive whenever I read about American history that I cannot put it down!  We always hear about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.  But what about the unknown signers of the Declaration of Independence?  Or other facts about American History?    For example, did you know that our public schools were founded in order for The Bible to be taught?  I bet you won't hear that anywhere today.  In 1791 Benjamin Rush a physician, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, founded 4 schools:  Philadelphia Dispensary for the relief of the poor, Dickinson College, he was a trustee at  Franklin College, and incorporated the Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia.  He was a staunch Abolitionist and was one of a few men who founded the Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.

     Noah Webster. Noah Webster is responsible for establishing Webster's Dictionary.  He was 16 years old when he went to college. He help found Amherst College in Massachusetts and created the first New York Daily Newspaper.  Noah Webster hated public schools because, like today, they were crowded and the books were old and from England.  He didn't like that.  He figured we were in America, so it ought fitting to learn American language.  So in 1793 He wrote his first textbook entitled, "A Grammatical Institute of the English Language". Also that year, he wrote what some call the first dictionary created in the US, aptly named by most as the "blue backed speller" because of its blue back.  At the age of 43 Noah Webster started writing the first American Dictionary, and didn't finish it until 27 years later at the age of 70 in 1828.

     Did you know that in 1892, the Supreme Court of the United States declared the U.S a Christian Nation? (Well, sort of.)

     Did you know that in September 12, 1782, Congress passed a resounding yes resolution for the printing of the Bible?
      Did you know that on June 30, 1775, Congress passed the Articles of War which stated, "earnestly recommended to all officers and soldiers to attend divine services." Punishment was prescribed for those who behaved "indecently or irreverently" in churches, including courts-martial, fines and imprisonments. Chaplains who deserted their troops were to be court-martialed"
     Fascinating to read this!  I have always had a fondness for history.  Reading about our Founding Fathers and American History you understand what is going on in today's world is out of sync with what these men had in mind.  It also makes you aware that some had already hijacked the country before it was firmly planted.  Those that didn't want to see America be formed.  This is why the Founders warned about who you elect as leaders, because they knew who they were dealing with then.  Just like some of us know who we are dealing with now.  Its been going on for centuries.…/Companion/rush_benjamin.html

The Noah Webster House, Museum of West Hartford History:  US Supreme Court Center
Congressional resolution, September 12, 1782, endorsing Robert Aitken's Bible [page 468] -- [page 469]
Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole, 1782 from the Journals of Congress
Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (115)

Rules and Articles, for the better Government of the Troops . . . of the Twelve united English Colonies of North America [page 4] - [page 5]
Philadelphia: William and Thomas Bradford, 1775
Rare Book and Special Collections Division,
Library of Congress (111)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Last Days Deception

      I have seen all I needed to see to affirm my position about American politics.  Americans are being deceived.  We are and have been under Oligarchial rule for some time now.  How else do you explain the recent Supreme Court ruling by a "conservative" justice, who completely changed the entire bill in order to vote for it than what was presented?  Do you really think this was a mistake?  No, it was no mistake.  Everything that happened was already planned a long time ago. 

But politics is not the only way we are being deceived.  Pagan Spirituality has a lot to do with it as well.  

 I believe that New Agism will be the One World Religion of choice in the last days. When Oprah started preaching this,  I turned off her show.  When Glenn Beck started getting "spiritual", I turned off his show.   I was asking, " Why would a Mormon Beck visit the Catholic Pope?"  I don't have hope in Romney if he is elected. Maybe some things will get better.  But eventually, we are heading into to the final stages of what the Bible calls a One World Government with a One World Religion.  Ever wonder how Romney became the candidate of choice when nobody wanted him?  Romney is the same as Obama, with a different agenda.  I'm all for preserving our Nations freedom.  But not at the expense of turning away from truth.  How about you?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Rise of Radical Power

     As I write this post today, I'm looking at news reports that Egypt just elected it's new President.  A Muslim Brotherhood radical trained here in the United States.  Statements have already been leaked to the press that this new government will not be extreme,  but rather be more democratic in its power, which to me, means the same thing.  The alignments of the Nations against Israel are starting to form.  Do you see what is happening?  If Egypt is invited to join the EU (European Union), well, this would solidify another prophecy from the Bible.  You see, the only reason they WILL be invited in is because of financial reasons.  since the Lisbon Treaty nations (EU) are all bankrupt with some exceptions, what better opportunity than to bring about a country rich in oil and resources to join in helping to restore the old "Roman Empire".
      Interesting times we are living in.  interesting times.
     Europe will get bailed out.  But who is going to bail out America?  We have a corrupt Department of Justice selling guns to the Mexican Cartels and denying it.  And lets not forget the injustice of not providing justice when needed.
We have corrupt politicians giving themselves raises and spending the tax payers money.  and then you have a Marxist President who continues to spend money like if it was his, and then wonder how this country can survive.
     With the rise of Islamic radical countries and the strengthening of Russia and China, along with the decline of America, One does not have to imagine hard to see the big picture.