Small Business

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Secularization of America

A young man opens fire at a middle school, killing teachers and children.  Another young man goes to a shopping mall and starts firing at random.  Yet, still, another young man goes into a movie theater and proceeds to massacre everyone in sight!  My question is why?  What would possess someone to go on a shooting rampage and kill civilians for no apparent reason?  With no regard for life?

The Scopes Trial of 1925 was won on a progressive  premise of a "theory" that says man was developed from a lower level of animals. Despite the fact that Scientists dispute that theory, it has been accepted as scientific fact by society as well.  From that trial, a host of other disputes came to surface as the Government gained control of education in America,  the banning of pray in school and the not teaching the Bible, in what has also been accepted as a "Separation of Church and State" clause that is not found anywhere  in any of our founding documents.   Completely dismissing  the fact that the American school was established as a means to read the Bible and teach puritan values.  The shared Judeo/Christian values that once encircled our diverse society has been replaced by secularism.  Most especially in our higher learning schools that were established by religious leaders for the very purpose of teaching Biblical values!

In the 1960's the deviant Marxist ideals of Herbert Mancuse brought about the sexual revolution in America.  Although Marxism had already creepted into our society long before this, it came to the forefront during this time.  His ideas brought about the notion of relativism, with an emphasis I would add in the cultural aspect. This movement brought about the breakup of the family unit, and the challenge of the Capitalistic economic structure. The "subservient" culture class became the head of the movement, and challenged every aspect of the American structure.

The 1970's brought about Economic and Foreign Policy disaster  in the form of Anti-Semite President Jimmy Carter.  His domestic policies of tax and spend buried the middle class and job creation,  and sided with radicals in International affairs in the always unstable Middle East.  It also brought about a case that would change the course of American History.  In 1973 the Supreme Court of the United States took it upon themselves to play God and impose a personal moral verdict which has led to infanticide. The case was Roe vs. Wade.  The subject was Abortion.  The problem with the case is that it was subjected to case law interpretation, instead of Constitutional law.  If the latter had been used, the case would have been thrown out and/or dismissed.  Was this a violation of the Government's own use of "Separation of Church & State"?  This case was clearly a moral issue, in which the State stepped its bounds when it determined to assume when life began.  A truly ethical violation.

The 1980's brought about domestic prosperity in the form of lower inflation, Inventions and job creation from newly elected  President, Ronald Reagan.  However by this time, both parents were forced to work to provide for their families because of the destructive policies of the last administration.  This produced the "Latchkey" kid syndrome, where more children came home to empty houses after school. 

The 1990's produced a false assumption of prosperity, but upon future studies, shows that the Clinton Presidency  was nothing more than a popularity contest at the expense of the American people. This Millennium has brought us full circle to the Godless beliefs of the past 100 hundred years or so.  Add on massive spending, continuous wars, an infestation of drug use/abuse, government & societal irresponsibility, God given and Constitutional rights being taken away, greed, and  a  lacking sense of Community. One can sense the world  spinning out of control!  We see it every day in the news and in our culture.  Is it really any wonder the kids of today are going around killing people at whim?  Who or what is to stop them from doing it? The Church and its Biblical moral absolutes  have been silenced and made irrelevant, even though the past illustrates that Biblical standards helps a society.  So if a society does not want whats good for them,  why are we so shocked when a kid goes into an elementary school and fires at point range at little kids?  After all, in today's ethical relativism,  isn't that his "right"?  If America does not come back to the moral standards it once had, I don't see how the generations of tomorrow will prosper.  How do you see America and her future?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dont' wait, Start Now!!!

                                                                Ask me how if your ready!

     As the year is almost at a close, I'm reflecting on all the things I set as a goal for this year.  Although I haven't  accomplished them all, I did have significant success  towards achieving them.  First thing on my agenda was to lose weight.  So I made it a goal to join  to help me be accountable for my fitness actions, and  I have  made some progress.  I have so far lost a total of 20 lbs.
     Even though I still struggle with eating healthy and exercising, I have the  means and support to continue to aim for the rest of my weight lost goals.  I will lose the weight, because I have predetermined in my mind that this is  what I want.   I'm setting goals for my health and my business.  I have noticed that since losing weight, I have much more energy to do things. It also shows in my  work. My  confidence is stronger since joining Beachbody .  It's theme is about helping people break the cycle of obesity.   Something I can say is meaningful to me.  Anybody can do a job, but when you put "meaning" behind it, then you know your are making a positive difference.  I'm determined!   I'm determined not to stay in the same rut every year.  I'm determined to get out of  my rut and help those who are in the same shape I'm in. Beachbody does more than offer quality weight loss products, but it also rewards you financially, as the late great Zig Ziglar's motto says, "If you help others achieve what they want".   So here's my challenge to you.  If your serious about losing weight, I mean so serious that your sick of how you look when you see yourself in the mirror, then let me know.  Together we can kick some major fat out of our bodies and into a healthy lifestyle.   If I, the biggest skeptic, can lose 20 lbs, then I know for sure you can too.  It starts with one step at a time. Are you ready to take that first step?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Recommended Christian Books

Spiritual Leadership by  J. Oswald Sanders                                      Moody Press
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor            Moody Press
Failure:  The Back Door to Success by Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer             Moody Press
A Survey of Bible Doctrine by Charles Ryrie                                     Moody Press
The Battle for the Bible  by Harold Lindsell                                       Zondervan
The Islamic Debate by Josh McDowell                                               Here's Life Publications
Attributes of God by Arthur Pink                                                         Baker Book House
Encourage Me by Charles Swindoll                                                     Multnomah Press
The Calvary Road by Roy Hesson                                                      Moody Press
Lords of the Earth by Don Richardson                                                Regal Books
An Outline of New Testament Survey by Walter Dunnett                   Moody Press
George Mueller by Faith Coxe Bailey                                                 Moody Press
The Kingdom of the Cults by Dr. Walter Martin                                      Bethany House
The Bible in Balance by Harold Lindsell                                             Zondervan
Who Says? by Fritz Ridenour                                                                 Regal Books
Protestant Biblical Interpretation by Bernard Ramm                         Baker Book House

Recommended Bible Study Books

Naves Topical Bible 
Ungers Bible Handbook
Ungers Bible Dictionary or The New Bible Dictionary
Youngs or Strong's Concordance or New American Standard Concordance   (Or NIV)
Wycliffe Bible Commentary 
Commentary on the Whole Bible   by Jamieson, Fausset & Brown
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Old and New Testament)
Interpreting the Bible by A. Berkeley Mickelson