You would think that people would be so happy and satisfied now that Marijuana use has been legalized in some states. But just ask Denver of the problems its having ever since it legalized it.(1) Or how about promiscuity with teenagers. Children having babies. It seems that no matter how hard we try to solve a problem in our culture, it just seems to be getting worse. The suicide rate in the Military alone is enough for alarm.(2) But even your average person is having trouble coping with life in today's fast paced world. Many people are depressed, bored and lonely.(3) Experimenting in empty activities in order to try to fill a void in their lives. Is it no wonder that Philosophy is becoming the Major of choice for College students? The leaders of tomorrow are searching for answers to life's problems.(4) Is there a solution? Can there really be peace in today's world? I believe the answer is yes! Even in the midst of tremendous chaos and stress, I truly believe you can find peace in any circumstance life throws at you. That peace and contentment can only come from "the Source" for which peace and contentment was established. Jesus Christ.
Through out the centuries, we can see how many people's lives have been changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 12 Apostles. Mary Magdalene the prostitute. Even she found peace. She was a changed woman! Jesus says in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. As one Pastor I heard once said, "The god of this world is in conflict with the God of the Universe!" So if you're looking for things of this world to satisfy you, your in for a life of apathy. No "Still Waters". No "Peace that surpasses all understanding". The world cannot offer you what it does not have itself. Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him." (Revelation 1:20)
Which do you prefer? A life of uncertainty and chaos? Or a life of peace and contentment in any kind of circumstance?
1. Denver Drug Agent: Our Problems have exploded with Pot Legalization
2. Military Suicide Climb Far Higher than Reported
3. Suicide Rate Increases Sharply in US
4. Study of Philosophy makes gains despite Economy