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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Last Days Deception

      I have seen all I needed to see to affirm my position about American politics.  Americans are being deceived.  We are and have been under Oligarchial rule for some time now.  How else do you explain the recent Supreme Court ruling by a "conservative" justice, who completely changed the entire bill in order to vote for it than what was presented?  Do you really think this was a mistake?  No, it was no mistake.  Everything that happened was already planned a long time ago. 

But politics is not the only way we are being deceived.  Pagan Spirituality has a lot to do with it as well.  

 I believe that New Agism will be the One World Religion of choice in the last days. When Oprah started preaching this,  I turned off her show.  When Glenn Beck started getting "spiritual", I turned off his show.   I was asking, " Why would a Mormon Beck visit the Catholic Pope?"  I don't have hope in Romney if he is elected. Maybe some things will get better.  But eventually, we are heading into to the final stages of what the Bible calls a One World Government with a One World Religion.  Ever wonder how Romney became the candidate of choice when nobody wanted him?  Romney is the same as Obama, with a different agenda.  I'm all for preserving our Nations freedom.  But not at the expense of turning away from truth.  How about you?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Rise of Radical Power

     As I write this post today, I'm looking at news reports that Egypt just elected it's new President.  A Muslim Brotherhood radical trained here in the United States.  Statements have already been leaked to the press that this new government will not be extreme,  but rather be more democratic in its power, which to me, means the same thing.  The alignments of the Nations against Israel are starting to form.  Do you see what is happening?  If Egypt is invited to join the EU (European Union), well, this would solidify another prophecy from the Bible.  You see, the only reason they WILL be invited in is because of financial reasons.  since the Lisbon Treaty nations (EU) are all bankrupt with some exceptions, what better opportunity than to bring about a country rich in oil and resources to join in helping to restore the old "Roman Empire".
      Interesting times we are living in.  interesting times.
     Europe will get bailed out.  But who is going to bail out America?  We have a corrupt Department of Justice selling guns to the Mexican Cartels and denying it.  And lets not forget the injustice of not providing justice when needed.
We have corrupt politicians giving themselves raises and spending the tax payers money.  and then you have a Marxist President who continues to spend money like if it was his, and then wonder how this country can survive.
     With the rise of Islamic radical countries and the strengthening of Russia and China, along with the decline of America, One does not have to imagine hard to see the big picture. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Final Countdown!



    Fascinating  events going on in the middle east and the world right now!  Bible Prophecy is coming alive before our very eyes!    If you are paying attention to current events, and you know about Bible Prophecy, then you will see what is happening aligns with situations found in the Bible.   Sure, I can hear some of you saying, "this stuff has been predicted before and nothing happened, what makes this any different?"  Well for starters, the difference has to do with the nation of Israel.  What started the ball moving faster was when the nation of Israel came into existence.  The gathering of the Jews back to the land that was promised by God, and this happened in 1948.  Looking  back since then, you can see the strategy that took place.  Flip over to 2012, and now the situation has become even more volatile because of the world's economic & spiritual situations.   You have all these unstable middle east countries positioning themselves to be rulers of the region with the help of  some outsiders (Russia) who are using the situation to gain leverage. You have Russia supplying weapons to Iran, who want to destroy Israel.  you now have an unstable Egypt & Libya, and soon others who with no thanks to America's current foreign policy, will most assuredly usher in a radical Islamic regime in power. 
     So this brings about the west.  What will happen to America is anybody's guess, but anyone can see where this country is going, and its not looking pretty.  My eschatological theory is that the current President of America will win election in November, turn its back on Israel and intentionally stay out of any war the middle east has with Israel.  Which wouldn't surprise me because of of all the chatter I keep hearing about the government preparing for martial law.  Conspiracy Theory or not, do you really think people will just sit back and watch it happen?  Not in today's political environment. With the decay of  moral absolutes, increasing violence, and corruption all across the land, including  the amount of our debt we owe to China and other countries,  America will not be able to help anyone, much less sustain itself.  When this happens, the world will become even more unstable and governments will collapse, because as we speak the US, with all its economic and social problems, is keeping other countries from collapsing for now.  The European Union, in its attempt to fix itself of failed economy's within has already mentioned the prospects, along with the United Nations, of  ushering in a new One World Economic system   
      Incredible things are happening to not be wary of them.  Time is getting short before everything crumbles.  Whatever happens, You need to be prepared.  Let's just say we were all wrong and there is no such thing as God or Jesus.  What would it have cost you?  A few meaningless parties?  But what if God and Jesus are real, and you've declined the only way to peace and genuine happiness in eternal bliss.  Its enough to send you into eternal damnation for all eternity!  The cosmic chessboard is in play.  Now is the time to make your move. I pray that you make the right one before its too late.