Small Business

Sunday, April 28, 2013


On today's blog, I thought I would write about something a little bit different than  usual.
     As some of you know I have been on a new diet and exercise regimen, trying to lose weight.  I've come a long way from that time when I used to be fit and active in sports and exercise.  A lot has happened in my life since then that has made me become more reserved and cautious about life in general, and in doing so, became very sedentary.  I had stopped exercising and being active, to just being content to stay home and do nothing.  A lot of that had to do with the death of my dad.  I stayed cooped up in my house because everything that meant a lot to me didn't seem as interesting any more.  I finally woke up and realized that life was passing me by.  I had gained so much weight and made so many poor choices in my life  that I felt stuck.  Until I came across this book (48 Days to the work you love), and it opened up a way of thinking that I hadn't had since I was younger. Even though It's taking me longer than 48 days, I believe I'm on the right track in my life.  Not only am I getting back on track "career" wise, but I've also decided it was time to get back into shape.  It seems to be a bit harder to do this time around.  It's much easier just to pop a pill in your mouth and watch the pounds come off, but that didn't happen. I was always hoping someone would find the magic solution to weight loss without any consequences.  It's funny how a life threatening event in your life will cause someone to take action.  For me, it was chest pains and border line high cholesterol and hypertension.  I've seen how others are dependent on pills for all kinds of ailments, and I didn't want that for myself. So I was up one night and I saw this infomercial about this new exercise routine p90x on DVD.  I ordered it thinking, "Ok, this is a start,  I'm really going to do it this time." I've ordered other exercise programs in the past, but with no success.  "I'm going to change my life by getting in shape first" I thought.   But I was struggling with it and I quit.   Then I met someone on social media who saw that I had an interest in getting fit and we started talking.  I told him I was struggling to workout so he suggested I try Shakeology  to give me a boost in energy and better mood. "I can do that", I thought.  "It's a money back guarantee."  "What do I have to lose?"  So I ordered it and I was pleasantly surprised.  It tasted really good! Pretty soon, I found myself cutting back on a lot of the snacks and carbohydrates  that I was eating before.  I kept on drinking Shakeology and I just felt better!  I had more energy and  mental clarity.  And my mood was uplifted.  I wasn't grumpy all the time.  I'm also eating organically healthy.  I have lost 30 lbs and am feeling very good about my future.  Everyone's talking about change you can believe in, well, I believe in this change I'm experiencing.  This year I'm going to change my life.  Even If I have to go it alone, I HAVE TO get in shape!"  No more wishing.  No more Hoping.  This is my top priority!  Since January of 2013 I got out of my comfort zone and entered the Beachbody Challenge and my workouts consist of doing Les Mills Combat  at least 5  times a week and drinking Shakeology every single day and I love IT!   I still have a ways to go, and I still struggle at times,  but now instead of quitting,  I look at why I failed, learn from it and move forward.  You know, there's a saying that goes, "Without change, nothing changes." I have been learning and enjoying the process of changing myself not only physically, but mentally as well.  It starts with that choice to want a better life for yourself.  For me, it was  time to stop talking about it and take action.  If you feel like your stuck in life as well, I'd like to hear from you.  If you need an accountability partner in your fitness, I will be that person!  I have been there, and I would like to help you.  But you must want that change first.  Are you ready for a change? 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Fall of Man

1Timothy 3:1-7  1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult time will come.  2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;  5 holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; and avoid such men as these.  6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses; 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  This world has lost it's soul.  There are no more words to say about the shocking headlines in today's news.  People have let themselves be taken over to depraved minds.  There is no trying to understand some people.  Some are just pure evil. Controlled by Satan himself!  I don't understand how you can look at a live human baby, stab the neck and suck the brains out of him/her.  I don't understand how you would let a baby still alive after a botched abortion, battling to stay alive in a toilet and make jokes about the whole scene like if it was something to laugh about.  I don't care if its a human baby or a kitten or a puppy.  Life is life.  Unless your heart is so seared as to take someone's life, then you should give up yours.    Now I'm not saying human life and animal life are equal. They are not!   I am saying they should all be respected.  We have an over population of cats and dogs on the streets because the people who were suppose to provide and take care of them as pets ignored their responsibilities and now they are running the streets in danger. (I just witnessed a puppy's face get squashed in the street because of this)   This causes diseases to spread.  Just like parents who neglect their kids and leave them on the streets to fend for themselves while they are out getting high or living it up at some bar!  I'm sick of hearing about this!  That child is going to grow up not having any sense of normalcy in life.  Always looking for security in life.  Or the Cattle, Horses, Chickens, Dolphins, Elephants, etc that are slaughtered indignantly for the sake of the almighty dollar!  Just like the millions of aborted babies that are killed and thrown in the trash without any regard.    People setting bombs in front of people just for sake of satisfaction?  The Bible states that without God stepping in to save humankind,  man would destroy one another.  The world is not getting better.  Its getting worse.  We are seeing the manifestations of this.  What kind of world are we living in when peoples hearts are so hardened by sin that they do not see life as sacred? 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Battle for Texas

     The line has been drawn.  The plan is in action.  They're coming for Texas!  In an effort to curtail the success of a Republican dominated state, Democrats are trying to build a movement that hopes to bring Texas back to a blue state once and for all. The name of the movement is called "Battleground Texas", and they just held a meeting here in Houston yesterday.  Everyone knows that Texas is one of a handful of states producing much of the country's economy by producing jobs and staying in the black with a balanced budget. So why on earth would anyone want to change it into a Democratic state if most Democrat states are in the red, stifling companies  with over regulations and entitlements?  /news/nation/story/2012-09-26/red-blue-states-income-economy/57846600/1  For goodness sake, one only has to look within Texas itself to see the blue controlled city governments and see that logic does not work.  Unless it's for another reason.  I would pay very close attention to this group Texans.  I'm sure you can all see the writing on the wall on this one.