Small Business

Sunday, February 16, 2014

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

        Ever wonder why we have so many crazies running the streets, shooting at people?  Seems like most of them are coming from Congress and Hollywood.  But did you know that most of the mass shootings that have happened in the past few years have been by people on some kind of psychotic legal drug?  Even our President is saying that Marijuana is alright to use.  It's no wonder this nation is going in the gutter 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

When Marxism hits America


 Its easy to see how people are becoming disengaged with politics nowadays.  It seems everything has become too saturated with politics that there's no getting around anything without it affecting you in some way.  It's even crept into our social lives and our sports arena's.   That's why people are "turning off".  They have had enough!
     Our political system is too far gone down the tubes, in my opinion, its too late to save anything.  America will go down.  No more Super power.  No more Justice.  No more liberty.  Its gone.
     Our system has been infiltrated for a very long time by people who do not believe in the America experiment.   The facts are that the two party system is really working as one system to dismantle the American way of life to usher in this New Age global agenda.  And its working.  This is why you see the break down of our morals and our laws.  Its part of the plan.  If those two are gone, then you really don't have much of a chance.
     America was once a great idea.  People from all over the world would break their backs just to come and make a life for themselves here.  But now people don't care about what's right.   They don't care about preserving an idea that has worked for more than 230 years.  They don't care about  destroying a country that has given so much to so many people.  Nope.  All that doesn't matter.  Its all about the ME generation, disguised in the name of "community".   People do not seem to understand that this nation has been in a global agenda for many years now, It started back in the 1900's and it has progressed even rapidly in the last few years.  It doesn't matter which party is in office.  America will crumble.  People might be able to slow the progression, but ultimately, it will happen.   It will get worse for the people of faith who still believe in absolutes.  Sorry if I sound pessimistic, but that's where we are at.  America's best days are behind here.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Government Showdown

So here we are again.... in the eleventh hour.  Everyone is wondering whether the Government is going to shut down.  The politicians have taken America hostage. What's going to happen?  After watching @Cspan for most of two days while sick, I got to witness Republicans come out with a budget and Amendment to defund the President's new health care law.  An unprecedented Anti American, UnConstitutional healthcare law that requires all people, with the exception of the President himself, his family and Politicians in Congress and some big Corporations to have it or face substantial fines.   Yes,you read that right.  The very same people who passed the healthcare bill in the middle of Christmas eve night without even reading what was in it, are exempt from Obamacare, as it is known here in the States. It was passed by partisan support because the Republicans were excluded from taking part in any discussions over it. Not only that, but politicians were bribed into voting for it with money.   Yes, you heard that right also.  Democrats in the Senate were bribed into voting for something that nobody knew what was in it!  Now that it is about to take effect on October 1, Companies are starting to see the destructive circumstances of such a bill well in advance.   So here we are.  Republicans have tried to pass a budget to keep the Government from closing, but Democrats have voted it out.  Republicans compromised and asked for an amendment that would halt the Individual mandate for a whole year, and now we wait to see what Democrats are going to do tomorrow.  I tell you its like watching  bullies in the playground.  Republicans are trying to do the will of the people, because no one wants Obamacare!  Republicans hold the money.  Democrats may have control of things, but they do not control the money.  Democrats are like the bully in the playground that tells everyone to play by their rules or else.  Republicans are the scared little kids that have their money taken away because they are too wimpy to stand up to these mean ol' bullies. Will the Republicans cave to the demands of the Bullies in Congress?  We shall see.  I do know one thing.  If they cave in again, it might be over for that Party.  Its time to stand up for what's right.  #DefundObamaCare!  I'm praying the  Republicans have the back bone to stand up and fight!